Education vs Emotion in Decision Making

Education vs Emotion in Decision Making

This week, we are addressing a question from Kate about how we make our best decisions in business. Kate asks, “Lisa, I’ve heard you say that we should make educated decisions, not emotional decisions. SNAAP appeals to the emotions.”

You Want a Big Business

You Don’t Live in a Big City, But You Want a Big Business?

Let’s explore how you can show up BIG while still living in a small town – we live in a global community, which means the internet connects us at the touch of a button.

write book tip

Who Should Write My Story?

Russell attended our Powerhouse Speakers event, and he asked an interesting question that I would love to talk to you about. He asked, “Should I hire a ghostwriter, or should I tell my own story?” I love this question so much, because I have authored seven books…

Promote My Business Effectively

How Do I Promote My Business Effectively?

Here’s a list of the TOP THREE tips for promoting your business, and it doesn’t require you to abandon social media, but rather to make some shifts in the way you are using it to promote yourself and make connections. Are you ready for the delicious details?

Get More Leads?

How Can You Get More Leads?

When we talk about leads, we also need to talk about converting leads to sales, because leads are not sales. You can have all the leads in the world, but if you don’t convert them into sales, they aren’t going to grow your business.

How to Transition from FREE to FEE

How to Transition from FREE to FEE

I’ve got some sage advice to help you move your business from FREE to FEE without making you feel icky about it. Because when it comes right down to it, isn’t that the underlying issue?

How to Validate Your Ideas

How to Validate Your Ideas

Lisa, how do I get people to believe in my new program enough to invest in it?” Let’s look at some steps that you can take right now to start building confidence in you and in your new program