3 Tips to Keep Going When the Unexpected Happens

Hello, and welcome back to the Lisa Nichols Show, where we gather as a community of unicorns and gladiators to discuss tips and tools for living your best life in every season. We all have dreams and goals, but the journey to achieving them is rarely smooth. Sometimes, despite our best efforts, we get knocked down. We’ve all been there—a coaching client backs out of your program, you get hit with an unexpected car repair, or you get sick or injured, and have to take some time off to recover.

There’ll be obstacles, setbacks, failures, and breakdowns, but remember, every setback is actually a setup to a comeback. When things go wrong, it can feel disheartening and discouraging, and you might be tempted to give up. But let me tell you something: the most successful people in the world are not those who never fail, but those who never, ever quit. So how do you keep going when things get tough or when it feels as if everything you’re trying isn’t working? 

Reframe your mindset.

See challenges as opportunities for growth, not as roadblocks. Take the time you need to stop, breathe, and reset. Get out in nature to get grounded, listen to uplifting music or podcasts, and take this moment to bring the joy back to your soul. Remember, diamonds are formed under pressure. You, my friend, are a diamond. 

Stay focused on yourwhy”.

Your “why” is the reason you’re pursuing the goal in the first place. It’s what keeps you motivated and driven. Take the time to stop and remind yourself why you chose to pursue this goal, dream, and life. Do you want to prove to yourself that you deserve better than the way you are living? Are you setting an example for the people you love, inspiring them to live better lives? When things are getting tough or when no one else understands your vision, remind yourself of your “why.” Let go of the “when” and the “how” for just a minute, and get back to your “why.”

Seek support

You don’t have to do all of this alone, Lone Ranger. Reach out to mentors. Join a community or find a coach. Surround yourself with like-minded, like-hearted people who will lift you up and inspire you to keep going—and realize that sometimes they might not be the people that you live with, and that’s ok. Remember, it’s not about how many times you fall, but how many times you get back up. So keep getting up, keep pushing, and keep believing in your dreams. My daddy used to say, “Baby girl, I’m not going to teach you how to always fly, because sometimes you’re not going to fly. I’m going to teach you how to bounce back all the time, so that when you fall, it’s just for a moment. You can get knocked down, but you don’t ever have to stay down.” I remember those words when I feel discouraged or when the obstacles seem insurmountable.

Remember, I’m your sister in this journey. Today, I’m sitting in the coliseum that I worked in when I was 18 years old, back when I had no idea who Lisa could become. I had more questions, more confusion, and Lord knows more insecurities than I’d ever imagined. Here’s what I did. I just kept going. I just kept getting back up. This is my first time back in the coliseum since 1984. And while it looks the same, I’m not the same woman as I sit here today. My perseverance has brought me to a place that 18-year-old Lisa never could have imagined, because I kept going, even when things got tough, and I’m so glad that I did.

As you continue to transform and continue to become, know that I’ll continue to be by your side in the journey. This community will be here, cheering you on, so please visit often to keep your momentum, even when you want to quit. Leave a comment below and tell me how you deal with obstacles on your journey. We all can learn from each other while we hold each other up, regardless of our adversities.

I’ll see you back here real soon. 

Your Sister in Prosperity & Possibility,

19 replies
  1. Charlotte Jones-Tersigni
    Charlotte Jones-Tersigni says:

    I really feel you’ve been my soul sister on my journey. I was that girl who ran up on stage when you asked everyone in the room in Caledon, Ontario to grab a partner to which they did not come here with. I didn’t hesitate to run up on that stage and look you in your beautiful brown eyes and say to you ” I want you, I want to partner with you”. You kindly said ” You couldn’t do that now and I needed to go find someone in the crowd..
    The person I came with my (ex now). Looked at me and said ” What are you doing, are you crazy?” How did that go from there?
    I went home, lost my once thought found Literary agent, rocky road after into a bankruptcy, lost my mom a year before so while being in bankruptcy I lost the inheritance to the bankruptcy. Needless to say, Years later, 2018 to be exact; I packed up my things, hired a lawyer to be able to leave with my daughter moved back to the United States, hired another lawyer for immigration for my daughter, worked in several places since being back and now, I pulled out my project once again after years of it being placed in a book bag.
    It wasn’t easy to even pull out my work once again.
    I don’t own anything except my intellectual property. I never gave birth to anyone ( I adopted my daughter. I believe my work needs love and to be given birth to.
    So as I write my soul sister I ask for help. I have no money, I haven’t worked since December 2024, I have lived with people who have helped me since I’ve been back. My vehicle isn’t even in my name solely.
    How I have done all this was have faith, and keep reminding myself of my why.
    I don’t know my how.

  2. Jamaican Gurl
    Jamaican Gurl says:

    In February 2020 I lost my mom, in May 2020 I lost my aunt who was helping me to plan mom’s funeral, March 2021 I lost my dad, May 2022 I lost my father-in-law, and December 2022 I lost my sister and best friend. In May 2022 I left a job that was affecting me mentally and physically, I got another job a little over a year later in July 2023 and by May 2024 I was laid off. I have not been working since but actively looking. I got accepted into an Ivy League University in May 2023 and because of financial hardship I was placed on involuntary leave of absence. I have faced so much grief, rejection, loss, and failure in the past 4 years that right now I no longer have the capability to “bounce back”. The buoyancy that I have been using to stay alive, survive, thrive, and strive has depleted. I am home now thinking what next can I try, who next can I call, or what else can I do. I read an article once that stated that winners go from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm, I have tried to muster up the courage to just stay alive but, it is very hard. Thank you for the message dear Lisa, I too, hope that one day I can return to the places that I cried in – to laugh, and return to the places I was sad in – to smile, but, until then, keep doing what you are doing and take care of yourself. This life is not for the weak!

  3. Obinna Morton
    Obinna Morton says:

    Thank you for this message Lisa. I am a failure in my life as we speak but I have such big dreams. Such big trauma I carry that I have started to heal from. It’s nice to see comments because it’s clear you have built a community. Thank you for sharing your story and people connected to your life like your dad, who is absentee in mine, so I learn from positive examples still. Watching this helps to rewire the gaps in my story. I will continue even as it feels impossible to make it. And Happy Black History month as well.

  4. Jessica Summers
    Jessica Summers says:

    Thank you for the inspiration! No matter how difficult it gets I remind myself of how far I have come!!! Yes, it gets discouraging to have come so far and to be met with so many challenges…. God has a plan. I am strong and powerful in him. I will fulfill my purpose and my “ why “!!

  5. Candida Rose Baptista
    Candida Rose Baptista says:

    Hi Lisa. As always, you address everything I didn’t know I needed at precisely the right time. There is a saying in Cabo Verdean Kriolu “N’sta kayi ta labanta” (I am falling but getting up). That is the message. Thank you for reminding me that it’s the “bounce-back” that keeps us moving forward. You have been my “mentor from a distance” for many years, and I am so happy to be part of the Uplift family where I can sometimes be “up close and personal” even if only on a Zoom screen. Thank you for sharing the incredible gifts that you have been given, with the world, but particularly, with me.

    Sending all of my love!!

  6. Lolita Goldring
    Lolita Goldring says:

    Thank you Lisa for your inspiring words! It’s hard to look back over fumbles, set backs and stagnation with gratitude for accomplishments made! Thank you for the reminder to do that, and also, as always and what my Mom has always said I do, is brush myself off and get back up! Rather than feeling bad about it, this longer journey and your words remind me – what am I thinking?? It’s never too late to take that next step, and the next one, especially after acknowledging those moments of yester-year, with Love and Gratitude. Thank you!

  7. Karen
    Karen says:

    Thank U for being available to share as U do, Lisa.
    It’s Sunday night& I’m on my way to listen to my Sunday Agape message.

  8. Kamesha
    Kamesha says:

    Hi Lisa,

    This touched me and hit close to my heart. I am greatful that I was able to hear these encouraging words. Right on time. Thank you!

  9. Agnes George
    Agnes George says:

    First look at the advantages amid disadvantage. What’s the cost of not pursuing the task in hand if ignoring it. I will set. Out a plan and do whatever it takes to achieve that goal.
    My Mantra is to never, never give up“


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