Make Space for these 5 Things in 2025

Welcome back to the Lisa Nichols Show, where we work together to amplify our lives and make our big dreams a reality. I’m so excited for us to launch into this next season together. There are so many things that we have learned, and some things we need to relearn. As we step deeper into the new year, you might be saying, “I really want to stick with my goals,” or “I want to stop jumping in and out of my goals and learn how to stay focused and see them through.” What I’ve come to realize is that there are some strategies that allow you to stay on track regardless of life’s unexpected twists and turns. So, I’ve put together my Top 5 Tips for Staying on Track. 

Personal Growth 

What does that mean? First of all, you have to realize that you are worth the investment. You are worth taking the time to grow in your knowledge and skills, as well as in your personal and spiritual life. So how do you do this? I like to set growth goals. I start by taking an inventory of where I am personally, financially, spiritually, physically, and in relationships. Then I set my growth goals to expand myself—we’re all on a journey to become the best versions of ourselves, but without a roadmap, we can find ourselves falling into the same patterns and habits that have kept us stuck in the mud. I actually used to set aside time in my schedule for learning new things. Years ago, I made it a non-negotiable time to learn from 10:00-12:00 every Tuesday and Thursday. And I would do it, because it was important for me to become my best version, just like it’s important for you to become your best version.

Self Care & Wellbeing

The number one self care item on this list is rest and recovery. As I write this, I’m getting ready to take an extended break to recharge my batteries. I used to use my “break time” to cram in as many activities as I could, and I would come back to work feeling as if I hadn’t had any kind of break at all. Now, I’ve started to block off some “do nothing days.” These are days that I can just allow to unfold in any way that they happen to, without scheduled activities. Allowing yourself the space to do nothing helps to quiet the mind, and reset your nervous system. 

Another part of self care can be mindful practices. I didn’t grow up using the term “mindful,” but regardless of what you’d like to call it, it’s allowing yourself to be completely in the moment to experience mental stillness. Some things that can help you become more mindful are journaling, meditating, walking in nature, and just letting yourself breathe and feel whatever you feel. I remember walking among the mountains, and feeling so close to God that I was brought to tears—good, cleansing tears. So whatever your mindfulness practice, give your mind that spaciousness to think, to breathe, and to reset. 

Your body wants to live out your life’s calling, so you need to stay active, stay hydrated, nourish your body with nutrients, so you can go play big. When I am doing all of the things I need to do to stay healthy, I can’t believe how clear my mind is and how easily I can accomplish my goals. You may know, I used to struggle with my physical wellness, and that often got in the way of living my best life, because I was fatigued and couldn’t concentrate like I can now. When you are active and nourish your body, it feels good. How you feel in your body has everything to do with how you feel in the world. How you feel in the world has everything to do with your quality of life. So, be good to your body.


Relationships are everything—they determine the quality of your life. I’ve coached so many people in my executive coaching program who are wildly successful in their careers, but struggle in relationships, because they didn’t take the time to nurture them. When you look at the relationships around you, be intentional about setting boundaries. Be intentional about your “yes,” so that it means something. If you never say “no,” your “yes” isn’t as valuable. 

Spend real time with people. I don’t mean texting or email. Actually pick up the phone and call your friend, even if it’s only for 30 minutes—it’s worth so much more than a text. Hearing the sound of each other’s voices helps you to connect in a way that texting just can’t duplicate. Let them know, “I was thinking about you and wanted to give you a call,” even if you only have a short time to visit. 

Network with a purpose and connect with people who have added value to your life previously. Thank your mentors, coaches, old bosses, and colleagues. Be grateful for those who have poured their energy into you and helped you become who you are.

Gratitude & Celebration

Gratitude is the fertilizer that nourishes the seed of any intention that you have. Make it a daily practice. Feel the joy and expansion of being grateful at the beginning of your day. I start my day by thanking God for everything in my life while I’m getting ready in the morning. Starting my day full of gratitude makes me show up differently in the world. 

Don’t forget to celebrate your small victories—the phone call to a potential client, the connection you made at your child’s sporting event, or whatever step you have taken that brings you closer to your goals. Remember that you aren’t going to get there by taking a thousand steps at once, but by taking one or two steps many times over. When you celebrate the micro-wins, they become macro-wins. Celebrate your wins with others. 

Courage & Resilience

I’ve come to understand and accept that life will throw you challenges, but courage and resilience are going to see you through. If you want to win, you have to take risks. You’re either going to fly or you’re going to bounce back. Failure is feedback to rewire, learn the lesson, and begin again. Remind yourself that you are ready for challenges, and stay committed. Be about the grind, and don’t get caught up in the setbacks. Don’t get so caught up in the process that you miss out on the deliciousness of the outcome. Realize that the outcome isn’t just about you—it’s also about the people who are inspired by your climb. 

What if we walk through the world as if we survived 100% of our hardest days? Because we did! What more can you do? You can handle whatever comes your way, the obstacles, the victories, and the growth that comes along with it. 

Remember, this is not just a show – this is a delicious dialogue for grown folks who are transforming their lives into something remarkable. I want to hear from you. 

What did you need to hear for encouragement, or a reminder of what you are here to do? I believe in you. I care deeply about you, and want you to live your best life. 

I want to invite you to live intentionally. Love (yourself first) deeply. Play like you can never fail or get hurt. Play bold. Let’s play bold together. Take my Boldest Barometer Quiz.

Your Sister in Prosperity and Possibility,

15 replies
  1. Jacqueline 773-930-0124 Paul Lawence
    Jacqueline 773-930-0124 Paul Lawence says:

    I am trying to get back contract on 2018 I lost my mom 2020 I lost my husband and my brother I had quit my job to take care of my mom and my husband then COVID-19 came, went back to work got injured on the job been down for the last year and a half just trying to get my life back on order we’re on track

  2. Lisa Johnson
    Lisa Johnson says:

    I am my greatest asset. This message resonates deeply with my soul as I have always bounced back from hearing “No.” And so I finally kept trying until the door opened… “ Can’t turn back, won’t turn back.” This is my time to shine. Thank you for reminding me to keep going!

  3. Francis
    Francis says:

    Hi Lisa!
    Thank you again for be a reminder for me to the opportunity that I have to setting boundaries with intention in my life, in my relations. It always be great to hear you!
    After hear you video I am ready to challenges in 2025 and for play bolder!
    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

  4. Vandenbulcke Muriel
    Vandenbulcke Muriel says:

    Hi to all who read this.
    Thank you for explaining why it feels so good to do nothing. I am learning this lesson…
    And I didn’t know that my body actually needed this. I’m always doing something but just being is enough.

  5. Linda Seebohar
    Linda Seebohar says:

    Hi Lisa,
    After listening to your inspirational delivery of challenges and outcomes, and not giving up, I just want to say “thank you” for being so gifted and expressing a true meaning to becoming our best version of ourselves. My journey to helping people understand the importance of scalp and haircare over the past 30+ years has been so rewarding in so many aspects. It warms my heart to feel their confidence in looking their best! I am constantly trying to market my product line and find it very challenging to get it out there! I am 74 years old, very committed to my beliefs, but just can’t get the proper audience necessary to trust in my knowledge! I will not give up, have been meditating, going for my walks in nature in the mountains, on a great nutritonal plan, do Pilates 3x/week with my lady friends for the past 35 years, and try to be the happiest every day. There is something just not clicking, and I am determined to find it!


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