New Year, New Vision

This month, we’re talking about creating your vision for the new year. But before we get to that, let’s all celebrate that we made it through 2020–still dreaming and hoping and jumping and leaping and ready for a powerful, productive and prosperous 2021!

In order to create your big bold vision for the year, I want you to lean into an affirmation you have probably heard me say many times…energy grows where energy flows. And there is no time better than RIGHT NOW to get started. 

That’s why this week, I am sharing three strategies that I personally use in my life and my business in order to achieve my goals.

I want you to start today. Don’t wait for a month. Don’t wait until you get warmed up. Let’s start today. I once read a piece that said, “What you can do tomorrow, you can do today and what you can do today, you can do right now. You don’t have to wait for a specific date to start achieving your goals. Oftentimes, we can be in preparation mode for a long time. I want you to get off that road and take the flight. Give yourself permission to lean off the edge and LEAP. Yes, there could be a possibility that you might fall, but what you are actually giving yourself is permission to FLY.

Don’t put it off until next month. Don’t put it off until Q2.  Don’t put it off until the kids get off to college. Because trust me…something’s always going to come up. So, let’s start now .

#2 – Build Micro Wins

We set big goals. We are game-changing gladiators here, so we play big in the world. The challenge is we set these big goals, and we forget to set micro wins. Micro wins are those small intermediate successes that say, “Congratulations, you’re on the right path.” We must celebrate these moments. It’s not just the “I have reached a major, major milestone stone or a macro win.” For example, say you want to speak on stage, and you sign up for a speaking program like many have on my campus. That’s a milestone. Celebrate the sign up. Don’t wait to complete the program. Don’t wait till you create your speaker sheet. Don’t wait till you get booked by 10 agencies to celebrate. Celebrate the fact that you signed up. Celebrate the milestones. Celebrate the micro wins on the way to your macro wins. 

#3 – Time Management 

Now this is a big one. I resisted this for so long. And it was not until I stopped resisting and actually embraced time management that my income jumped 3x in one year. When you institute time management into your life, you’re saying my time matters. You want to limit the time you’re spending doing things like checking email and scrolling your texts and social media all day. You want to spend your time doing the highest revenue-producing activities that only you can do. Now, you do want to check those things, but carve out time…I do 45 minutes each in the morning, afternoon and evening. And that’s it. 

You also want to block out your day, including breaks. You want to let tasks own your time, even if the task is chilling, even if the task is reading, even if the task is catching your breath. If you’ve ever seen my time management form, which I’ve shared with thousands of people, you’ll see that it says, “take a breath.” It says, “Eat, nourish your body.” I didn’t follow this so that it sucked all the joy out of my day. I followed this so that I had structure. The structure created more freedom. Everything I cared about got done because I allowed it to have a space in my day that was labelled. 

Now, here is another little trick. You want to label your tasks, but not based on the task, but based on the outcome it’s going to create. I relabeled cooking in my time management form as “nourishing my body.” I relabeled reading as “feeding my soul.” I relabeled working out as “snatching my sexy back.” Because when you speak to the result, the results are going to pull you much further than naming the process. Whenever I say workout, it drains my body. I get tired immediately. But when I say snatching my sexy back, I want to do one extra crunch, one extra lunge. When I would check my email, I called it “discovering new money.” 

So, remember: 1) start right now; 2) build micro wins into your plan to achieve your macro wins and stop and celebrate milestones along the way; and 3) tune in to time management. Allocate blocks of time owned by a task, and rename the task based on the outcome so that you’re inspired by them. 

Remember, this show is not a monologue. It is a dynamic, delicious dialogue. I love reading your comments and sharing in your lives. So please share in the comments below what hit home for you. Was there something you needed to hear? Which strategy was an #AHA or a #BOL (breakthrough out loud) experience for you? 

This is your home. We are your tribe. And when I say I believe in you and I love you, it’s because I truly do. 

Wishing you a beautiful, joyful 2021. Let’s continue to be great, be humble and be in service together. 

Your Sister in Prosperity and Possibility, 

49 replies
  1. Dee
    Dee says:


  2. Kadia Watt
    Kadia Watt says:

    I have no idea where my journey will lead me, but one thing I know for sure is that next year ,at this time ,I will not be right where I am today! And that starts today, that starts now. Thank you for the inspiration Lisa.

  3. Kathryn
    Kathryn says:

    This was so clear and practical. I really like the idea of re-naming tasks for their results. That is so much more inspiring.

  4. Latundra Rogers
    Latundra Rogers says:


  5. Carla
    Carla says:

    I always learn so much and LOVE your priceless nuggets. I will especially take forward the renaming tasks / processes to the outcome intended.
    In gratitude

  6. Elizabeth
    Elizabeth says:

    My problem is time management and consistency.
    But I commit to make baby steps to improve in those two area.
    Thank you Lisa

  7. Nanette M Buchanan
    Nanette M Buchanan says:

    Happy New Year…. What a fantastic way to start the year’s journey… the next starts today!! As usual I had to grab my notebook and sit in the words. Yes, each point is a header to my next. I believe the best for me was labeling the outcome, speaking to the results. I often think of the task and knowing the target result keeps me going…but naming it, that’s an extra for me. Thank you… another jewel on my necklace “my pearls of wisdom”.

  8. Yvonne Ramsey
    Yvonne Ramsey says:

    I really enjoyed this video. This has motivated me to re-think my way of thinking. Instead of looking at it as my task, I need to look it as my outcome. I tend to get discouraged very easily or lose my focus because I think of tasks as chores. I’m so thankful for placing Lisa in my life (even though we have never met) and giving me the motivation to look beyond my usual way of doing things. I have to speak LIFE into my own life and watch the manifestation flourish!! Here’s to a GREAT and POWERFUL 2021!!! THANK YOU LISA!!

  9. Charlene Johnson
    Charlene Johnson says:

    Lisa my sister!! You truly are loved and appreciated!! BOL “When you speak to the result, the results pull you much further than speaking to the process!! This statement right here ignited me! Speaking to the results gives me the energy I need to continue to lean into my assignment- Another thing….Name your task so that they are pulling you forward….Girl that right there–“the” All I can say is, Thank you once again! Happy New Years

  10. Mara
    Mara says:

    I’m excited to relabel my tasks with the outcome instead!!! This is brilliant and since I’m motivated by these big visions I have, I know that reframing is helpful.

  11. VESNA
    VESNA says:

    Dear Lisa it was a pleasure again to listen you,yesyes lets start today,dont wait…Ive learn soooo much from you in 2020 and I wanna be with you also in 2021,life is much more exited and happy becouse of you,thank you sooo much becouse of you IM a better person and a better version of myself….much love Vesna

  12. Preeti
    Preeti says:

    Hey Lisa, good to see you after long period. This period had been really challenging for me and my family. We all suffered with covid together. And we fight back very nicely with no major loss. But it had an impact on my mental energy level. Seeing you like this makes me feel happy. After 3 months I guess, today I started socializing again. I count it a micro win after such big fight. Your naming task strategy is really good. I will apply it in my time table. Love you.

  13. Zakiya
    Zakiya says:

    Lisa, you did that. Smile! I needed to hear start Today. I have something that will generate more income and fulfill my gift but I keep putting it off. I am blocking my time out and will start my journey. Thanks a bunch!

  14. Meryluz Martir
    Meryluz Martir says:

    Lisa has motivated me in my darkest moments and for that I am forever grateful. I am an upcoming speaker myself and I know one day I will have the honor to meet Lisa in person.

  15. Cindy b
    Cindy b says:

    Aha! Lableing my tasks as a result, the outcome. So true, this makes a lot off since and a game changer! Thank you Lisa!

  16. Angela
    Angela says:

    Happy New Year Lisa! I’m always inspired by your life, your message, and your passion you publically share so generously, my life is and is continuously being changed. Stay Blessed Sista!

  17. Elizabeth Cooper
    Elizabeth Cooper says:

    Ny Ahah moment is (just as I can fall, I can fly) Sometimes I forget that. So thank you for the reminder. And thank you for the labels.
    (Excersice) Snatching my sexy back
    (Cooking) nurishing my body
    (Reading) Feeing my soul. I do all of these activities but sometimes they feel like chores. Thank you so much

  18. Elma Knowles
    Elma Knowles says:

    Hey Lisa! Wishing you and yours a Happy New Year!

    Thank you for sharing those great tips. My favourite nugget was the way you named your daily tasks…great idea!

  19. Monalisa
    Monalisa says:

    Thank you Lisa we pray for a great 2021.
    Time management – I thank you will adopt the 45mins am pm pm a day on social emails whats app great idea
    yes yes to taking a flight a leap
    yes yes to micro tasks leading to macro

  20. Raquel Shaner Francois
    Raquel Shaner Francois says:

    I am motivated with your powerful words. This year I am gonna get my sexy back. I am gonna fill the bank from my new online business. I am celebrating my sign up. I am gonna time manage my days. I gonna feed my soul with knowledge spiritually and mentally. I am a positive force in the universe. Thanks for the guidance.

  21. Mary Murphy
    Mary Murphy says:

    Greeting Everyone,

    Lisa Nichols, you always surprise me with such admiration, you have been such a light in my life, Thank You. My BOL is when you mention, “oftentimes, we can be in preparation mode for a longtime “. I knew my pain was made for good: I have something in me that I’ve learn how to share and inspire others but I made every excuse why it wasn’t time for me to start; years passed but with the guidance from you and others that play a major part in my life, I’m learning to reset and celebrate the small things and began the process of spreading love and I’m so excited to see where my passion will go. You said,” I teach to inspire and not to impress”. We Will, We Must keep pushing.

  22. Mary Mah Maimo
    Mary Mah Maimo says:

    Best of 2021 to you and Team Lisa. #Yes YES, i’m learning to appreciate my micro wins. All my life, i’ve always thought that something most be well done and completed to be appreciated. I celebrate myself for being in this wonderful campus❤.

  23. Dayanara
    Dayanara says:

    Thank you Lisa for the motivition.
    Wishing you all the best wishes for 2021.

    Reframing will be my new adopted habit for this year!!!

  24. maria klaiber
    maria klaiber says:

    Awesome! Happy New Year 2021 Grateful for your leadership, acts of kindness and soulful energetic connections! Grateful for embarking on this amazing journey with you Blessings ❤️❤️❤️

  25. Miriam Edwards
    Miriam Edwards says:

    Thank you so much. This brings clarity to my daily to-do list, which sometimes leaves me frustrated at the end each because I did not get much done. I will rename my time blocks

  26. Peace Johnson
    Peace Johnson says:

    This was just what I needed! I love how you help me focus and tune into what is most important. Labeling the task was a big takeaway for me. I will implement that now! Thank you so much!

  27. Deidre Little
    Deidre Little says:

    Happy 2021…. Praise God in advance for every Blessing seen and unseen. I love When you said celebrate the micro wins. I tend to look at the larger picture and get down because I might not be where I want to be and not celebrate that I tried or even started something new. I will rename my Goals…. great idea because I then it will allow me to feel the future blessings when my eyes scroll over the wanted result. This is my year to Start my greatness and Believe in me. I had a storm that could have taken me out But God. In 2017 I had to build myself back up. And listening to you, Oprah, Inkey Johnson, Steve Harvey I am grateful to say I am still here. I had Goals and dreams and Thoughts of How I can be great. But Now its time to Make Moves. Thank you Lisa…. Be Safe.

  28. Tannizia Gasper
    Tannizia Gasper says:

    I love how you celebrate the micro wins, Time management is a big challenge for me. I’m going to start right now on it. Thanks Lisa.

  29. Karla
    Karla says:

    Yes! Yes! I love this! So glad I listened…missed your messages Lisa! The time management in particular and renaming the tasks to the outcome is gping to be such a game changed for all of us who do it! And celebrating the micro wins is something I need to adopt…I usually don’t which I am going to change! Thank you! #newyearnewvision

  30. Lei Grace Bernola
    Lei Grace Bernola says:

    LISA!!! You are the Diva of inspiration!! Thank you…I am energised and ready NOW for step 1!! I LOVE the renaming of tasks…doing it right now xxx THANK YOU GIRL!! ❤

  31. Jill Arrington
    Jill Arrington says:

    Time management relabeling strategy tool is a huge insight for me. I’ll start working on that one tonight. Thank you Lisa. I’m so proud of you and this show is fabulous. Thank you for not waiting until someone gave you a slot on TV before you create you own “Show” !

  32. Jill Arrington
    Jill Arrington says:

    Time management relabeling strategy tool is a huge insight for me. I’ll start working on that one tonight. Thank you Lisa. I’m so proud of you and this show is fabulous. Thank you for not waiting until someone gave you a slot on TV before you create you own “Show” !

  33. Wadjou Isabelle
    Wadjou Isabelle says:

    Hi Lisa,
    Happy new year!
    This video really boost my energy at 100%.
    I really like the reminder to celebrate our micro goal.
    My BOL is The Time management!!!!!
    I commit to rename my task and manage my calendar in order to achieve my goals.
    Thank you so much Lisa.
    Bests wishes to you and all the MTM team

  34. Valerie H
    Valerie H says:

    Thank you for this message which is what I needed. I struggle with time management. Today I give myself permission to fly.

  35. Diane Massion
    Diane Massion says:

    Thanks Lisa you are awesome. Love all your amazing motivations and tools to move forward. Appreciate all your passion and insight. I plan to take all this valuable information and move forward.

    All the best and Happy New Year. Love you Sister.


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