How to Get Back on Track with your Goals: A Mid-Year Check-In

Can you BELIEVE we are halfway through 2020 already? In some ways, it seems like it was just New Year’s Eve, and we were all setting resolutions and intentions.

In other ways, the first half of 2020 seems like time was kind of standing still as the world around us shut down.

So, I wanted to share with you a few of my favorite clips from past episodes to check in with you at the mid-year point to see how your goals are coming along and share some of my best tips to get back on track if you have slipped off the path.

And if you have temporarily gotten a bit derailed…trust me when I say #YANA (you are not alone).

Tip #1 – Set goals that are big enough.

If you’re not setting a goal that’s beyond three years out in front of you, sometimes there’s not enough to run for and the goal is not big enough. I want you to set a goal for three years, five years, even 10 years down the road. Yes, I said 10 years—which I know feels uncomfortable.  When you have to think about 10 years down the road, you start aiming for something so much bigger. I want you to set a goal that makes you nervous. A goal that makes your knees knock and your teeth chatter a bit.

Tip #2 – Make sure your goals are realistic.  If you’re currently making 80,000, then your goal in three years is to make 500,000, it might not be realistic unless you have a path that’s viable to get you there. If you set a bunch of unrealistic goals and you don’t hit them, you can start to lose faith in yourself. And then what happens is you look up and realize you’ve stopped dreaming and setting goals.

Tip # 3 – Surround yourself with a community that inspires you.

Hook your caboose to the train of other people who are running as fast as you are. Surround yourself with a community that inspires you to want to stand on your tippy-toes because they’re doing so much. They believe in values. They believe in faith. They believe in family, but they also believe in running hard, playing hard and living big. If you are the biggest fish in your community, that’s okay. You just need to get a second community to play inside of as well.

Tip # 4 – Write out your ideas and set milestones.

If you are a big dreamer and visionary like me, you probably have idea after idea after idea. Then you start to feel overwhelmed as the ideas keep flooding in. You can actually become paralyzed and don’t take action on anything because you’re still trying to figure out what to do first. To get everything out of my head, I dump it all out on paper.  I like to look at what I’m thinking about. I write out the conversations I want to have. I write out my dreams. Next, I set milestones along the way, so I can look at them and see if I’m hitting my target. For example, if I set a goal to lose 25 pounds in four months, I want to know how many pounds I should lose every two weeks. How many pounds should I lose within the first 30 days. You want your goals to be solid, but you don’t want them to be so rigid that you can’t adjust them. I’d rather hit an adjusted goal than not hit a goal at all because I fell off the wagon.

I love reading your comments, and I want to hear from all of you change agents, gladiators and unicorns in this community. So please, share below which part really hit home for you. Do you need to adjust some of your “by when” dates? Are your goals making your teeth chatter and your knees knock?  If not, how can you play bigger and make those goals longer range? What was your biggest #AHA or #BOL (breakthrough out loud)?

Remember, this is your home, and we are your tribe. And when I say I love you and I believe in you each week, it is not for lack of other words to use. It’s because I really do.

Your Sister in Prosperity and Possibility,

27 replies
  1. Jacqueline Harles
    Jacqueline Harles says:

    Lisa, I just watched your portion of Sonia Ricotti’s conference today (7/11/20). OMG! This is the first time I’ve heard you speak. Fantastic! Love your energy and positive spirit! Thank you for sharing your swimming story. I have been stuck lately and your story has inspired me to set new goals, re-set others, and keep going. Thank you very much!

  2. Brian
    Brian says:

    #BOL!!! I’m a big dreamer and I just didn’t put milestones and times on my dreams. I will definitely apply this method.


    I am the person you were describing, from the part about raising your son (I have a daughter) all the way to the end!!!
    I thought I would be so much further ahead by now, because everyone that knew me , knew I could get anything done, i had ( Have) great ideas. The goal setting was what I’m missing, the realistic goal setting along with the milestones! Thank you

  4. Eric Little
    Eric Little says:

    Thanks Lisa for inspiring me to reach for more. I admit I have become somewhat stagnant; content with where I am in life. As I write, new ideas are already starting to form in my head.
    Love, Eric

  5. Francis
    Francis says:

    Wow! Stunning. BOL!!!
    Love the part when Lisa mentioned that we need to track goals in short time.
    Absolutely realist to accomplish more than I achieve right now!
    Thank you Lisa and team!

  6. Patience Osei
    Patience Osei says:

    Lisa, You really inspire me in every area of my life. I’m becoming addicted to your videos. God bless you for changing lives.
    I need to write my dream down so I won’t be overwhelmed anymore.
    Thank you.

  7. Robin
    Robin says:

    Lisa, Thank you for this. I am one of those big dreamers and visionaries and I have so many ideas but don’t know where to start or how to make a plan or keep from getting overwhelmed. It also doesn’t help that my fiance tells me to stick with one idea and make some money or be successful before jumping to something. It is hard for me to not get caught up in his negative energy. I do need a community that inspires me because I know and I believe that my dreams will come to fruition. Thank you again for this mid year check in. I needed this!

  8. Barbara Sims
    Barbara Sims says:

    # 3 really speaks volume to me because I truly need to surround myself with people who will help inspire me. Because I am the biggest fish in my community, I admire this position but I understand that I also need someone that have arrived in areas where I have not gotten yet. Great topic, thank you

  9. Tanya
    Tanya says:

    Thank you, Lisa, for this! You are so right about setting milestones within your goals so that you have permission to adjust and still pursue them. I’ve stopped chasing goals for awhile but you’ve inspired me to start again!

  10. miniver Nsofwa
    miniver Nsofwa says:

    Lisa thank you so much for your words, you always inspired me,but l have a goal which is making me chatter and my knees knock

  11. Darnell Osborne
    Darnell Osborne says:

    Thank you Lisa for this reminder. Because I so often get distracted with sorting out other things I get off track with my milestones and goals.

  12. Jennifer Bird
    Jennifer Bird says:

    I haven’t listened to all of this yet, but my BOL is that I have been impressing a lot of people with my 70%. WOW

  13. Justice Maddox
    Justice Maddox says:

    Thanks for sharing Lisa your words always inspired me so much. l have a goal which is making me chatter at the knees, nervous and scared. Lisa you are so right about setting milestones within your goals. It gives you permission to adjust and to still pursue your goal and work on your dream. I stopped chasing my goal because of what someone shared with me ( you will never make it). Thanks for giving me the strength to keep reaching for the stars. I will have a nonprofit organization that will help at risk youth. You give me the motivation!!
    Justice Maddox

  14. Sheema Hill
    Sheema Hill says:

    I really enjoyed this video. Received at the right time during these uncertain times. The part in the video in regards to people getting comfortable after achieving certain goals and giving 70 percent vs 120 percent, hit home for me. Sometimes our 70 percent is ok if your a natural at what you do. However, if you put forth more effort without slowing down, you will get better results.

  15. Courtney Alysan
    Courtney Alysan says:

    I have given up on having dreams and goals! Every time I set a goal or have a dream I work hard towards it but something always gets in the way! Please, I hope no one gives up on life like I have!

  16. Ousmane Dialllo
    Ousmane Dialllo says:

    Hi Lisa,
    I thank God for virtually meeting Lisa Nichols in my life. I have been watching your video release for some time now. Truth be told, they have empowered me in many respects without you, the originator knowing about it.
    Whenever I am on the brink of despair or surrender before life adversity, I hurry to relive your soul-soothing and empovering messages.
    I must confess that I was wading in troubled waters until you inboxed me this rescue e-mail. Needless to tell you that this e-mail have given every reasons to hope for the best because you are here to show us the way.
    So thank you Lisa.

  17. Ousmane Dialllo
    Ousmane Dialllo says:

    Hi Lisa,
    I thank God for virtually meeting Lisa Nichols in my life. I have been watching your video release for some time now. Truth be told, they have empowered me in many respects without you, the originator knowing about it.
    Whenever I am on the brink of despair or surrender before life adversity, I hurry to relive your soul-soothing and empovering messages.
    I must confess that I was wading in troubled waters until you inboxed me this rescue e-mail. Needless to tell you that this e-mail has given me every reasons to hope for the best because you are here to show us the way.
    So thank you Lisa.

  18. Justine Anku
    Justine Anku says:

    This is just a surprise to me because my thoughts were how to get in touch again. God sees through our hearts and so HE responds speedily.
    My goals in reality overwhelmed if I imagine other plans keeps stepping in. My break down is;
    By the end of 3 years I want my income to rise to 700, 000 which I started working towards itseriously.
    Between now and this 3 years, I want to look stronger and younger than my age by checking my diets and exercising seriously, having enough rest .
    Between 3 to 5 years, by God’s grace i’ ll start my charity organisation to cater for the poor.
    So 5 to 10 years , financial freedom will start to flow. It is achievable if I connect with the right people . Thank you.

  19. Trinitius Jackson
    Trinitius Jackson says:

    H Lisa, I liked set goals that are big enough. It let me know that it is ok to think past our fears.
    I have asked God to give me a vision and show me my purpose. I have received neither as of yet.
    I feel stuck because there is no target for me to aim or reach for.
    How can I have a vision and discover my purpose?
    Thank-you for changing lives Lisa.

  20. Isabelle wadjou
    Isabelle wadjou says:

    Thank you Lisa, for remind me to stay on track.
    I have a question :
    Please, how can I know my “NON NEGOTIABLE”
    I keep asking me that question and I still didn’t get the answer.

  21. Cheryl Branche
    Cheryl Branche says:

    Hi Lisa:

    I am writing to say that this video really resonated with me. Since COVID-19 meeting my goals has been a challenge. Stress about my cash flow is challenge. Three-, five-, ten-year goals have gone undocumented. Like you I am a visionary, the ideas float around the brain and tumble out on the page in hour-two hour writing segments that seem impossible to keep up with daily. Not complaining, the only outlet is the page lest I be described as loco.

    As a retired health professional-turned-librarian and chief cook and bottle washer at IBuy2Resell, Inc., I am seeking opportunities to generate significant income by writing (for now) for profit at this time. I’m not 61, starting again, looking at retirement, yet at the same time feeling 30 in the mind and heart (with wisdom added), AND enthusiastic about the a future that includes overseas retirement that requires funding for poo and giggles, you know!

    Thank you for the video which captures how to get back on track.


    P. S.: Using the 21 daily affirmations help me a lot. They help put achievements and mistakes in perspective and remind me about what it important in my life. They serve to provide the rungs of a ladder that I can use to climb and reach toward my goals.

    BRAD RICHARD says:

    My take away was the Milestones Section, I tend to focus on the destination so much, that set backs are bigger than they need to be! I will be taking things forward in small bites! LOL – Thanks Lisa!

  23. Vesna
    Vesna says:

    Dear Lisa,thank you cuz you always remind us to stay focus on our goals and how to achive them…set your goal that is big enough,goal that will scare you,oh yesyes for that#BOL,and se 3,5 and 10 years goal….I am on my way Lisa,I am doing it…thankbyou and Im blessed to have you in my life…yours Vesna

  24. Prophetess Brenda Love
    Prophetess Brenda Love says:

    Lisa, Thank you so much for your video. It has inspired me so much as with your others. I have recently written two books. Both are published and edited, and ready for sale on Amazon. My biggest fear was not thinking that I was effective enough in my ministering. I wasn’t one of the big fish. No one knew of me. My name was not standing out. I wasn’t doing enough of the things that most ministers and prophetess does that are successful. I have always had dreams bigger than myself. I have always allowed myself to come out of my element. To be able to see what was past my comfort zone. My ultimate goal is to become a motivational speaker. I always wanted to be able to share with an audience of people that I can be effective in my advice. Through logic and experience. As well as my testimony. God has given me the necessary tools to be able to become a speaker. I just allow myself to become intimidated by people defining who I am or who I am not. I just have a hard time getting out of the starting gate. I do preach and teach. I feel time is of essence with me. I would love your feed back. Thank You Lisa….

  25. Angel Wilson
    Angel Wilson says:

    The biggest wake up call. This video reestablished the reasons why, I’m not achieving my goals and it gave points on how to formulate my goals. Thanks for the honest truth. I love this.


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