Stay Ready So You Don’t Have to Get Ready
One of the things you might have heard me say if you’ve been around this tribe for a while is “You’ve got to stay ready, so you don’t have to get ready.”
Now you might be wondering, “Lisa, what do you mean by that?” Well, I’m going to tell you, but first let me make it clear what it DOES NOT mean.
It doesn’t mean that…
- You’re always operating at your highest peak
- You’re always living in some form of false perfection
- Everything is working on the path at the right time doing the right thing with the right people
What staying ready ACTUALLY MEANS is you’re willing to stay fluid and flexible. I jokingly say (and not so jokingly say), I stay parked between fluid and flexible, meaning I have the plan that I made, but I’m willing to morph the plan in whatever way the universe or the day calls for me to.
For me, staying ready means…
- I’m willing to go from my level of good to my level of great to my level of mastery in any given moment.
- I’m not going to need time to prepare to give you the best version of me.
- I’m staying open and willing to do what it takes to get the job done.
- I’m expecting the unexpected and am willing to give the world exactly what it needs in those moments.
Staying ready gives you more grace, ease and compassion for yourself and the people you live with. Staying ready gives you the ability to be celebrated and for someone else to see your greatness. Staying ready means, you can forgive what might seem unforgivable.
So now, I”m asking you:
Are you willing to live ready for that thing that you didn’t expect?
Can you walk as if you know exactly where you’re going? Even if the road takes a different direction.
Can you expect the opportunity to show up and shine even though you didn’t see it coming?
If you can spend a lifetime never having to get ready because you’re committed to stay ready, I’ll make the commitment with you.
Remember, this show is not a monologue. It’s a dialogue of delicious, dynamic conversations. I’d love to hear from you. What was the biggest takeaway or #AHA from this particular episode? Did you have a #BOL (breakthrough out loud)? What did you need to hear? Please share your comments with me below. I love to read them and see you engage with one another.
This is your home. We are your tribe, and I am your sister in prosperity and in possibility. And when I say that I believe in you and I love you, it’s because I do.
I loved the message of Stay Ready So Don’t Have To Get Ready. I was inspired to raise my level of expectation. I am hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst at the same time, so I can adapt to what comes or go. Thank you for your message of encouragement. Much love and Respect!
Stay ready. great message.
Honestly speaking, I recently signed up for this training because I’d been following Lisa for a while now (even thought of inviting her to speak in my hometown a while back) because after going through another training program aimed at a specific goal I wanted to achieve. As I’ve been going through that program, I realized that there were things coming to the surface that I hadn’t expected to be such a distraction to what I was focusing on, but I knew I needed a good dose of Lisa-like energy to help me get through it. And today I am so grateful that I listened to that voice and signed up for this program. It is helping me to uncover some things I’m not always comfortable having rise to the fore.The message about living for that thing I didn’t expect struck a nerve and I’m actually holding back tears as I write this, but having done the work in session 4 last night and this morning, I know I can manage to get through another episode. Thanks. #BOL.
Stay ready for the unexpected.
Hello to all
In this puzzling continuously, I honey you all
Rise your family and friends
In your words, Yes yes!” Thank Lisa my sis. “We owe it to ourselves to stay ready we are so worth it. I’m learning life is a collection of the hills I may have to climb, but it’s all the stuff I had to push through, and the mess I had to sort through to believe in myself and bring forth my Treasure” -Rainey
Girl you have the essence, you have the scope. Only i found you from someone who was taking the piss (in jest ) but who knew. I believe we are “BE havers” … so it is a Be ready attitude. And if you believe in the process we are in right now. %-D doesn’t need a stay component ,,, it is an absolute … being state. BE READY!
My aha moment…I modified the statements to read:
I choose to stay ready.
I choose to expect the opportunity to show up and shine even though I didn’t see it coming
I choose to walk, my journey, as if I know exactly where I am going
Now I see it as a choice and i have the ability and the power to make different choices moving forward.
Thank you!!
Socialists are out here arguing for less hurdles so you can put less effort into sustaining yourself, because you should be able to spend your time helping the people who deserve it. It’s a thing that only you get to decide, and the way to achieve that freedom is to allow for our time to be more free. But you have to get a job, and sometimes your boss will be saying something you don’t believe. Or they will just be looking to make profit and therefore be as accepting as possible and essentially be a weathervane to markets. Be careful about where you allow your time to be pulled, and maybe be curious about the people looking to give some of it back.