Common Myths That Hold Coaches Back – Part #1

Hi there. Welcome back to the Lisa Nichols Show, where I share the tools that we need to live our best lives. During the course of my career, I’ve had the opportunity to work with so many coaches, trainers, and facilitators around the world who work in personal and business development. After working with so many people in this industry, I’ve noticed something—a lot of coaches are holding themselves back because of common myths they are hearing. And believing. I want to bust these myths one by one to help you to connect with your purpose. I know that what you’ve got is too good to keep to yourself, so let’s start with the most common myth I hear:

Myth #1 The Market is Saturated

This might show up in several different ways for you. Perhaps you’ve heard yourself saying things like:

  • There are so many coaches and trainers out there. I have nothing unique to add.
  • What I teach about this has already been taught. I’m late to the party.
  • Everyone else is already talking about this topic. What do I have to add to the conversation?
  • No one’s going to want to hear from me. There are so many brilliant coaches out there.
  • I don’t have anything different to add. It’s all been said before.

I have good news for you—no one is coaching and training the way that you do. There are a whole group of people out there who are waiting for you. There are people that don’t know about these other coaches and trainers. They know you. Only you can deliver it in your own unique way. Think about when you were a kid. Two different people could tell you the same thing, and you would listen to one, and the other’s words would fall on deaf ears. 

It’s the same way with coaching and training. It’s not only the message. It’s the messenger. You have a unique way of delivering; a unique fingerprint. There are a group of people who are in complete alignment with how you bring your message to the world, and they’re just waiting for you, even if they don’t realize it—yet.

The need and demand for transformation is greater than it’s ever been. Actually, the need is higher than the supply right now. Take a look at the world we live in. People are hungry for mental and emotional wellness, and they value communication and connection, but many are not finding it. You can fulfill that need for so many people. Now, I’m not saying you should just jump into this market. If you’re not already trained and certified, you will need to get your education and training first, but so many beautiful souls are waiting for you to help them. The market is by no means saturated when you take a look at the demand for this transformational work.

Remember—people work with people they know, like, and trust. Your personality, presentation, and purpose are unique to you. How you deliver your message is exclusive to you, regardless of whether or not others have shared the same message. Think about what will drive your right-fit client to you? Delivering your authenticity, passion, and message in a way that speaks to your ideal client will make all the difference.

So is the market saturated? No—we’ve busted this myth. My goal here was to let you know that if you feel called to coach and train people, there are so many souls waiting to hear your message. If this resonates with you, be sure to watch for upcoming episodes where we’ll talk about other myths that coaches and trainers are vulnerable to believing. 

Don’t forget to leave a comment. This is a community. A dialogue between like-minded brothers and sisters who lift one another up in passion and purpose. This is your tribe. Tell us about a big ah-ha moment you had from this particular episode. I love reading your comments.

But until next time, remember that I love you. And I believe in you. And I believe that the world is waiting for you to deliver your message in a way that speaks directly to your audience. I’ll see you real soon.

Your Sister in Prosperity & Possibility,

25 replies
  1. Cali Earle
    Cali Earle says:

    Yes, I have not been told the coaching field is saturated. However, I felt that way because that is all I see on social media but I always feel like have something different and unique to offer. Thanks for this myth buster ❤️

  2. Quinette LeFlore
    Quinette LeFlore says:

    Agreed, Lisa! When you said “unique fingerprint”, I knew I was in the right place because I just used that this week with one of my clients. Committing to letting my light shine! ✨

  3. Diane Blake
    Diane Blake says:

    I agree with the previous commenter who said “it all resonated with me.” Same with me. I get stuck on my story, my message and who I serve. I hear everyone else saying what I want to say. I have been looking for something different but I am also wasting my time. There is nothing new under the sun. Thanks for the encouragement.

  4. . Margaret Scott
    . Margaret Scott says:

    Hello my name is Margaret Scott. I published a book titled play the cards you’re dealt never fold. It’s basically my life journey from the time I was 16 to my present day 60 God has taken me through so many different challenges and obstacles and hurdles in order for me to be who I have become today I really want to share it with the world on how to overcome life roughness

  5. Angela Vandeven Kilburn
    Angela Vandeven Kilburn says:

    Thank you, Lisa. Wow! It is like you crawled inside my brain! I didn’t realize it, but I HAVE been thinking the market is saturated with coaches! But I think it’s like when you buy a different car. Before buying the kind of car you bought, you never really noticed any on the road. But after you bought the car, it seems like everyone and their dog has one!! It seems like the same principle applies to coaching. They were always there before….but now that I AM one…..I see them EVERYWHERE! In my heart, I know that what I offer differs from what other financial coaches provide. Your message just made me aware of a limiting belief that more than likely has been negatively impacting my vibrations. Now I can address it!! So, THANK YOU!!!!

    P.S. I watched “The Secret” last night. You were FANTASTIC! 🙂

  6. Michele
    Michele says:

    I know what you say is true. And you are right to name this common “lie”!
    This being said, I would love to know a starting point with clear simple steps to build relationships with new people, since I moved and lost all my contacts (retired, dead, no more email nor phone number to connect), so I can help people more to their next level, making some dream come true!

  7. Alison Jane Appiah
    Alison Jane Appiah says:

    Loving the, Lisa. Every single soul is unique, and special, has a unique way of relating other, has a unique power within them to shine bright, and has a special part to play in this world. This is what I teach to kids in my day job, and a place I aspire to come from when I am coaching!

  8. Charity Motomboni
    Charity Motomboni says:

    Thank you Sister for inspiring me, I have passion to talk and to motivate people. Iam working on a talk show iam about to start, you set the phase I follow ♥️

  9. Natasha Saunders
    Natasha Saunders says:

    Hi Lisa,

    I resonated with this episode and the myth you covered. You helped me to understand what I had been internalizing. Even though I am not a coach, I strongly desire to become one. I have overcome so many life experiences that could be a source of inspiration for others, and I believe I can help guide them forward. Thank you for sharing these nuggets.

    Best regards,

    Natasha Saunders

  10. Nina Kamwene
    Nina Kamwene says:

    Thank you Sistah Lisa for caring & sharing…yes..we’re all unique in how we deliver our passions. Someone said: “When the student is ready the teacher appears”. I trust that as an author “Simply A Journey” and a Life Legacy Coach my tribe will be guided to me. I see this in how you, Marci and Dr Sue teach us, each in a special way.

    Every day I am grateful to be above the ground and breathing. I bathe our YOMies with Light & Love. Blessings.

  11. Gloria Zavala
    Gloria Zavala says:

    Hi Lisa. I’ve been following you since 2018, i admire you and admire your dedication to help others.
    I’m here to learn from you “ my unique way to coach others, with my life experience and my life learning. I love you ❤️ and I will liked to continue following you and hoping one day I will love to meet you in person.
    My take away from this video..” that we have room in this world for all of us, as you say “ in our unique way.
    Love ❤️ Lisa.
    Gloria here.

  12. Olga Tsmokun
    Olga Tsmokun says:

    Like always, right on time (for me)! Every time i start feeling something like this, i go to you Lisa. And it helps! Thanks for that! Yes, there are people who need to hear exactly from ME!

  13. Irine Asanji
    Irine Asanji says:

    Thank you Lisa. I needed to hear this. I have been told I shouldn’t depend solely on coaching and speaking as a career because it’s a saturated market. That was a concern but the conviction is strong. This video has boosted my confidence and drive. God bless you Lisa. I love you too

  14. Jetina Campbell
    Jetina Campbell says:

    Absolutely every word resonated with me. Thank you for sharing and inspiring me to pursue my purpose. All my life people have confided in me and I always feel like it’s my duty to give my best advice. I enjoy motivating and inspiring other people to live in their true pursuit of happiness.

  15. Fatuma
    Fatuma says:

    Hi Lisa,
    Thanks for waking me up on the purpose and importance of sharing what uniqueness I have… my main setback has always been ‘when is the right time to start coaching’ and now in my early sixties I wonder whether this is the waking up call I need! Thank you very much Lisa…


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