9 Qualities of Becoming an Impactful Speaker (Part 1)
One of the questions I get asked more than any other is “Lisa, how can I become a more impactful speaker?”
You see for many years I didn’t even know that I had a gift of speaking. Now there are thousands…maybe millions of things I DON’T do well, but speaking is one thing I know I DO do well.
Because it came so naturally to me, I didn’t understand there were techniques and qualities involved that make for an impactful speaker. Now I know that even if you didn’t start out with that gift, you can learn, you can improve, and you can master the art of speaking.
Once I realized that I developed a full-on speaking curriculum that I teach in courses, live events (now virtual), and masterminds to students on my campus.
In this week’s blog, I’m giving all the juicy, secret sauce away and sharing the first 5 qualities to becoming an impactful speaker. You’ll have to stay tuned for Part 2 in an upcoming episode where I’ll share the next 4 qualities with you.
#1 – Engage the Heart
An impactful speaker has the ability to engage the heart no matter what they’re speaking about—it could be the weather or education or science or an airplane. People don’t listen from their minds. They listen from their soul. They listen from their “feeling place”. They want to know, “How can you make me feel better? They gave you five minutes or 15 minutes of their time, so make sure you engage them, even if it’s in an unexpected way.
#2 – Educate the Mind
An impactful speaker has the ability to educate the mind. Whether you’re a motivational speaker or an inspirational speaker or a transformational speaker, your job is to always set the foundation of education. When you’re opening your mouth to speak (whether you’re doing a podcast, a video on YouTube or a Facebook live, or an Instagram live or on a stage) your job is to give me some information that makes my life better.
Even if you’re entertaining me, still focus on educating me.
#3 – Stir the Soul
The third thing that an impactful speaker does is have the ability to stir the soul. Now, what does that mean? I talked about engaging the heart which makes the audience feel. Stirring the soul happens when something you say makes the audience go…hmmm. When I’m teaching my speaker training students how to be an unforgettable speaker, I always say when someone says, hmmm…they got something they didn’t expect. They expect to give you their ear. They expect to give you their mind, but they didn’t expect to give you their soul. And when you stir someone’s soul…when you open them up…when you challenge them to be a better version of themselves…when you show them possibility…when you show them that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel…something happens where you can make the hair on the back of their neck stand up. You stir their soul. Now, this might be a long-distance away, but what I love is that it can be learned and done. Imagine if every time we opened our mouths as humans, we committed to stirring someone’s soul versus entertaining them or laughing at someone else or belittling others.
#4 – Building Connection
The fourth quality of becoming an impactful speaker is building connection. Even if you are talking about business, even if you are talking about discord and divisiveness, you must have the ability to build connection. You must have the ability to allow us to climb across cultural lines, climb across religious lines, climb across socio-economic lines. To somehow see the human spirit in one another. To somehow see the likeness of one another. It doesn’t mean that we’re all alike, but we can find our common ground. A great, impactful speaker sees the world, honors the differences, and then speaks to our humanity.
#5 – Courage to Challenge Us to Become a Better Version of Ourselves
An impactful speaker has the courage to challenge and charge us to become a better version of ourselves. An impactful speaker will not let me off the hook and will challenge me to go discover and uncover the best version of me. Not in a way that makes me feel like they are beating me over the head with a whipping stick, but by something they’ve opened up in me…something they have made possible to me…something that they reminded me of.
So which quality resonated the most with you. Which skill are you going to work on first? What was your #AHA moment? Did you have a #BOL (breakthrough out loud)? I love reading your comments and hearing your feedback and witnessing the comradery in our community.
Remember…this is your home, and we are your tribe. I LOVE you, and I BELIEVE in you. I truly do.
Your Sister in Prosperity and Possibility,
I so love your show, Lisa! Thank you. Such great content every episode.
I really related to the quality of stirring the soul. I can think of times when I’ve been at talks co-signing left and right because they were dropping so many gems. I had never really thought about it as stirring my soul, but that is an on-point description. My soul is not easily stirred.
So when it happens, I really take notice.
I appreciate you putting a name on the experience I’ve been having most of my adult life. The clarity is helpful to note, both as a receiver of content…but also whenever I may be in the role of delivering the content.
Enjoy your Bahamas day!
I love everything you have to say. But what if I can only speak to motivate my loved ones?
The communication part has always been a challenge for me, because I write way better than I communicate. This is mainly due to my forward way of speaking. I tend to say what’s exactly on my mind, but then get accused of being too egocentric, and rude. But that is so far from the truth. I only communicate after some one directly speaks to me. I find it hard to initiate conversations because they are often misconstrued. I appreciate you taking the time to try to help me and l look forward to having more discussions with you. I loved your interview with Tom Bilyeu, it was everything! And I realize your middle name, is my name as well. Too cool!
Thank you Lisa for this valuable email. I know my gift and talent is in my mouth. It’s been said my anointing is within and comes out through my mouth. It has taken me years to accept that. What I do is TALK! I encourage empower and lift women up and out of their current place of existence. I take them on a journey of inner reflection and help them see where they are stuck and recognize areas of toxic thinking and old habits. We journey together to healing changed mindsets and developing new habits to lead to new and better outcomes. Changing their mind…Changing their life.
You are amazing Lisa! Thank you so much for your inspiration and wisdom!
Love this, Lisa. Btw- pink is your color!
I have been a speaker teacher and communicator for a few decades. The content changing over time, science to pharmaceutical knowledge. All through last year I found my soul/spirit open up to my inner labyrinth journey and I started to virtually teach on transformational of the human, so many came to listen and discuss. I am here to learn how to be better and teach further and maybe even start to do this full-time as my soul urges and nudges me forward
In Gassho, Smriti
What a masterful object lesson on the qualities of an impactful speaker. Lisa, you are always imparting knowledge, information, and most of all love through every message. What worked for me most in this message was your delivery, of course, but also the pop-up text graphics with each quality you presented, and the summary at the end. Powerful to be hit with the visuals, and audio, simultaneously. Thank you for saving the music until the end. Too many speakers are drowned out by the extras. This is a clean, concise, warm presentation. You get better as you go! Love, Payge
Thank you Lisa!
I truly understand the value of being a impactful powerful speaker even in our everyday common interactions! You are AMAZING!
Hey Lisa,
It is always a pleasure to listen to your pearls of wisdom.
Thanks for sharing today 5 Qualities of an inspiring speech. Can’t wait till tomorrow to listen to the balance 4.
Is it possible for you to cover “How” to inject into the speech the 5 qualities you shared today. That will be the real game changer!
Thanks Lisa,
Hey Lisa,
You have been sending me emails for a while now. And today, I felt impressed to listen. I think it was because of the title, that really resonated with me. I’m so glad I finally made the time to listen. The content was something I needed to hear. Thank you for sharing this information. And thank you for constantly sending me the emails. After today, you have gained a new supporter, and friend. Keep doing you. Love it!
Thank you so much Lisa for dedicating time to inspire us. Every content I watch on your show leaves me transformed.
Sometimes I didn’t know what significance areas of being an impactful speaker and you just clarified for me.
I can’t wait for your next video.
Much love.
Thanks again
One thing that i love the most about your motivation is that you stress the issur of being responsible for working on being a better version of yourself
Very inspiring, Lisa!
Good afternoon, Lisa Lisa Lisa, I am very very glad you believe in me. I can feel in your heart and spirit that you truly mean it. I am 63 years old. It has been years sent I been out of school. It can’t overload my plate or overload my mind. I never like to read or try to start reading. God put In me love to writing. GOD so much to tell me He talks to all the time so I just go on Facebook and said say, Lord If you look at the comment it is very hard to make brief. cause I love when God talks to me in the spirit also began loving writing once my spelling and my reading get better to understand the words and remember what I ready learn how to pronounce the words get more motivated to pick up a book learn to come a better reading start to love to read. I truly believe I can do one book within away It so more in my head I got said from past life experience about my life story God flavor miracle bless how I don’t suppose be here today on the comput typing with two hands about four months I was typing one finger. God transform my mind from a high school to college-level with more wisdom of God more intelligent mind .first thing first I got get these books out first. I don’t know protocall being a public even trusts someone to be a ghostwriter even signs a contract of getting paid it lot of people with sheep clothing or wolve. I still on God he told me going sent me help and teach me everything I need knows. when I told him is a craze for me to write a book. Lisa, I am mad at you but I forgive you still love. when were talk about gift we can have more than gift insider us. what spark on me.When I start writing to you the holy spirit after getting this book out he what I come to a speech that is one of my hide gift inside of me. even now I said come to a speak God said a speech other words make a speech reason I can tell you no but I can’t say no to God I made a promise with tears in my eyes hurt deep inside my heart decided to stop running ford God to let him use I will do what even he wants me to do just get me out these mists please God with repenting. he said take up my cross and follow him he will make me a man of fish. satan was here my conversation with God all hell broking loose in my life satan was mad cause God to stop him from taking my life about 20 years ago also were God get take me in my life. cause he knows who I was before I did even before I was born. you remember the story about Moss Pharaoh kills all newborn boys baby also King Herod was looking for Jesus to kill him .that satan try to kill me all my life. LISA I got to go I can be here all night writing to you. what said the lord to me cause I love writing now just got love reading. please, please send this back to me in my email please I don’t how to save this message to you for my books. IF YOU DON’T I GOT REWRITING THIS FOR MY BOOKS please, please PS think you help me to finish GOD MISSION FOR HIS GLORY.tell that guy I really what get in his speed ready class but it just not right time with my set income God got to and going fix it for me take his class with any discount he can give me. really maybe GOD WILL TALK TO HIM IN HIS SPRIT TO GIVE HIS FLAVOR TO FOR HIS GLORY. LIKE HE IS DONE TO YOU LISA GOD REWARD WILL BE LOTE BIGGER AND MUCH GREAT THEN MY
Thank you my VIRTUAL COACH. This episode spoke to me. I recognize that I was given information in a way people not feel ing or stirring the soul. I was giving information only. BOL…I will be emitting those 5 qualities this day forward. My COACH thank you my sister in prosperity and Abundance beyond. Thank you Again Karen M McFadden .
I loved your juicy sacred sauce for being an impactful speaker!
I feel tremendously encouraged because in writing my first book, LOVE MORE Let’s End Racism, Sexism,
Agism Now! I do all those things on paper or on Kindle soon. All I need to do is practice in front of a mirror to add my voice to create heart to heart communication and stir the soul. Thank you so much for giving me an easy to grasp formula for speaking. I know I have the gift of inspiration. Just need a push like this.
So grateful to you!!!
That should make for a good read certainly. I’ll pick a copy when I see it on the shelves
Hi Lisa,
I took your motivational speaking class in spring of 2020, after learning about you in a magazine sitting on a table in a nail spa. In December of 2020, I was asked by a Chaplin of a hospital to speak via video to the ENTIRE hospital community here in Chicago. This was a first for me, I only took your class to prepare for my book. It appears God had other plans. I was asked to speak on hope and inspiration.
The viewers said I was amazing! They were in tears. I could barely leave the room without people asking for more of my story.
Thank you so very much!
Educate the mind is big with me
This is so timely and relevant Lisa.
I’m having a speech contest coming up soon and will certainly take note of this. To make the speech impactful and memorable by stirring they souls.
Above all, I will certainly make use of this when using metaphors when talking to my clients.
Thank you Lisa for always sharing so freely, always a pleasure listening and learning and having fun with this tribe.
Thank you, my online Mentor, I am so blessed to have access to you and your wisdom.
This is a great eye-opener for me. I will always speak to inspire not to impress. Blessings
I love it!!! Thank you; you give me sooooo much confidence to push out this gift that God has given me
I’m ready to continue this walk and let his words flow. BOLDLY, UNASHAMED, and UNAPOLOGETICALLY!!
Challenging my clients is something that I feel is my work. But I feel shy. And I see where I can guide to make a positive change or at least point out where the source of the issue lays and teach that masking a problem will keep it forever. I will challenge myself to challenge my clients.
Excellent Session Lisa. I Am Being To Speak More. These Are Excellent Tips On Being heard. Thank You. So Very Proud Of You. Blessings Beloved.
Lisa ,from I came to your conference a few years ago , you have been one of my greatest inspirations.. You are not only a shining example of what women can achieve, but most importantly you are so intent on sharing your knowledge. Your humility shines through.
May God continue to bless you , your mind, and your love of people
You are a speaker among speakers Lisa. I so admire your energy! motivation and love that hangs on every word you speak.
I’m looking forward to your summit.
My prayers cover you as you journey with us through our lives on the way to love and prosperity.
yes, YES! I have been following you for years and I so appreciate your videos. I make time to truly listen to them and today I took notes too. I am going to do my best to try to stir more souls in my life. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the consistent motivation and open honesty with us all. I look forward to the next video and until then I will definitely be cultivating these skills. Blessings~Nicky
Wise words Lisa, thank you so much. Engage the heart, touch the souls. Have never thought of speaking to make impact while getting paid. I think I should consider becoming a motivational speaker You have touched my life in so many ways
Thank you Lisa! You inspired me to write a pitch using those key qualities, something I’ve been reminding myself to do every week for ages, but just haven’t done! Using that structure I came up with a somewhat generic draft: “You’re here because, like me, you would love to share our local stories. I can explain to you how film is a brilliant way to share in a broad medium that impacts people and can reach beyond our borders. Believe me when I say … we can do this really well – from here, by here! I would love you to join my journey and make this happen!” So – now I have a place to start. With love and gratitude x
So good Lisa!
I can’t wait to start using these tips thank you so much for equipping us to stand in our story and power.
Thank u so much lisa.you inspired me a lot.u made me to love myself unconditionaly.i gained a lot of self esteem that i didnt have.thank u so much my sister in prosperity….
Hello Lisa:
Thank you so much for your training on the Qualities of an Impactful Speaker. I dont aspire to be a speaker, however, I do want to be clearly understood of whatever I may say and I want to be taken as seriously.
Thank you! Jesus, I finally get to receive Lisa’s information! thank you.
Connection, I believe until we connect we cannot be helpful
Thank you Lisa. You are awesomely amazing. Your impactful presentations are inspiring, encouraging and transforming humanity. Keep up the good job.
I had to come back and listen to the first five qualities for an Impactful Speaker. I really enjoyed all five but this one building the connection that I might need a little more help with. I thank you for being you and sharing this wonderful information.
“… without beating anyone over the head. Inspiring others to be their best sales on their own.” I’m going to work on that! Thank you so much.
I’ll bet that just using your fabulous instruction of the 1st 5 qualities in ANY talk will already make it spectacularly impactful! I plan to try that! You are definitely a world hero spreading empowering love, truth, & unity!
Thank you so much for all the valuable information. I have a nursing blog lifeofanurselady.com, and I’ve started my youtube channel, Life of a Nurse Lady. My blog and my channel’s purpose is to educate and motivate. I’m so happy I finally got started, but I recognize I need more practice and speaking skills. The qualities you teach us to become impactful speakers are truly amazing, and I’m forever grateful. Thank you
Omg Lisa. Such powerful words. It enlightens me as I myself is on the journey of self discovery. As I am on this path you inspire me with your tools weekly on being an impactful speaker. I recently wrote a journal call The D.I.V.A.S Discovery journal. It empowers women to Discover and Invest in a Variety of experiences to know and become their Authentic Self. Your speaking today is a blessing from God. An awesome confirmation of my becoming. Thank you so much. You were sent in my life to transform the gifts given to me by God. May he continues to bless you as you bless us.
You are really community and I am so honored to be a part of it. Your sis in the movement
Thank you Lisa,
Constantly uplifting us to use the gift God has given us to live in abundance. When life happens, your reminder reinforces the truth that no challenge should deter us from our destiny.
Thank you so much for sharing this very important information, I literally got the chills at the end when you said you believe in us! I feel like we need to believe in each other and also learn from each other, once again thank you.
Thank you, you inspire me always to greatness. I have you on my vision board to be amazing like you some day. Thank you for every lil thing, the 5 listed makes perfect sense.
Dear Lisa,
Thank you so much for putting it down so clear and simple. It’s through listening to you that I realized that I’ve been doing all the mentioned 5 steps instinctively! No all the time, but whenever I want to get something important done.
You make me realize what I am capable of which I have no knowledge of. Thank you so much.
Good morning Lisa. You are an inspiration to me. Thanks for your insights on giving someone like me courage to write and to even start thinking about becoming a speaker. From this epidode I love ALL 5 nuggets but I particularly love number 3 stirring the soul. It made me hmmmm and I’m looking forward to create that hmmmm in someone else. My question to you is how do I begin? Love Valecia
Thanks for your contributions to lifting people like me up. I have so much gratitude for you and all those who live beyond themselves for others. Kodos
I love how you make it plain as we say in church. Speak to inspire!
I just discovered you recently, Mrs. Lisa. You are really a blessing to me. God bless you real good.
Thank you! Absolutely loved this episode!
Lisa – Thank you so much for stirring my soul, for helping me reconnect with the desire to make a difference! Your books and messages are so inspiring! Thank you for having the courage to challenge us to become the best version of ourselves!
I’ve been on Lisa’s campus for several years now, since Speak & Write 2029, and every time I see a video Lisa creates there is more treasure to be gleaned! I’m grateful to Lisa for her dedication in creating inspiring resources like these videos that serve us in evolving into better communicators, speakers, and human beings