Tag Archive for: powerful speaking

The Power of the Pivot

The Power of the Pivot

Lisa Nichols shares about the power of the pivot and how to keep your goal intact but be flexible on your plan. Being able to pivot is necessary especially in these times.

Speaker tips

Mindset Shifts to Speak More Impactfully

there is something that we don’t talk about often enough that is ESSENTIAL to your success as a powerful speaker. Before mastering any one technique–you must shift your mindset.

The Valley Technique

The Valley Technique

Lisa Nichols shares one of her top techniques to become a more powerful speaker called The Valley

Lisa Nichols shares her top tips for bouncing back from humiliating moments

Top Three Tips for Bouncing Back from Humiliation

Lisa Nichols shares her top tips for bouncing back from humiliating moments and how she dealt with one of her most humiliation moments on stage

Speaker tips

Top Tips for Becoming a Powerful Speaker

It’s hard to condense that huge topic down into bitesize nuggets for you to consume, but this week I decided to take that challenge. Because as gladiators, unicorns and change agents, we like to rise up to challenges, right? So, get your pen and paper out and get ready to take notes as I share my top tips for becoming a powerful speaker!