Creating Certainty,
Connection, and Community
 for Massive Scalability

CTTP isn’t your average coaching program teaching you to scale your business at all costs.

Instead, learn how to create certainty and facilitate deep connections with your clients so that scalability naturally follows.

So, how are we different?

We truly believe there’s nothing like the Lisa Nichols Certified Transformational Training Program (and trust us, we’ve searched).

Here’s why:

  • The program was created in reverse. We started by honing in on what kind of trainer we wanted to produce rather than creating a program that might be enticing from a marketing program
  • CTTP cares about YOUR clients. We want you to transform their lives while growing your business.
  • This program doesn’t create trainers that run an assembly line. We create trainers who can guarantee transformation time and time again
  • With us, you’ll learn how to attract the TWO critical things important for your business - Certainty and Clients
  • With CTTP, you’ll go deep into the human psyche to understand the WHY of transformation so you can create it successfully
  • CTTP is based on Embodied Learning. This program will allow you to implement what you’ve learned every single day. You have an accountability partner, can practice facilitating in small groups (and get real-time feedback!), practice speaking in front of an audience with a built-in feedback loop, and more!
  • You’ll get to experience a wide variety of training styles and methods

The Lisa Nichols Certified Transformational Teacher Training Program is what you get when you bring together:

Lisa Nichols, regarded as one of the best speakers in America, has reached nearly 80 million people with her global platform and appeared on Oprah, The Today Show, the Dr. Phil Show, The Steve Harvey show, just to name a few.

Through Motivating the Masses, Lisa has transformed the lives of countless men, women, communities, and businesses. And now, she wants to teach YOU how to do the same!

Sean Smith, the founder of Neuro-Transformational coaching, and named North America’s next best speaker. With over 15 years of training and speaking experience, Sean has trained and facilitated the transformation of countless people through his coaching and training company, Elite Success Systems.

“50 years of wisdom, cheaper than an MBA”

Danita Sajous

Danita Sajous
CTTP Graduate

You NEED Bumper Rails

You know, the things that keep you from veering too far left or right (or straight into the gutter) and keep you on track so you can hit that strike every. single. time.

Lisa Nichols Training

Our Certified Transformational Trainer Program is the bumper rail YOU need

We’ll teach you the tools and techniques that will keep you on track and help you to move forward in your journey to transform lives.

Because here’s the thing:

Contrary to popular belief, the ability to consistently create transformation isn’t something that only a chosen few are born with.

There IS a formula to it. A formula that we’ve spent over 25 years perfecting.

A formula that will help you:

  • Build a magnetic presence and deliver life-changing workshops and seminars, both in-person and online
  • Create consistent transformational experiences from scratch for your employees, clients or audiences
  • Incorporate transformational exercises into programs you’ve already created
  • Increase your confidence as a coach, speaker, facilitator, or trainer, whether you have an audience of one or one million
  • Create a solid and sustainable life and business built on your own certainty

Becoming a Lisa Nichols Certified Transformational Trainer allows you to be seen, acknowledged and paid for your talents at an entirely new level!

Why do you need CTTP right now?

We waited until the perfect time to release CTTP into the world. 

Here’s why the world (and your business) is ready for this right now

  • The world needs transformational trainers now more than ever. People need evidence that transformation is possible now more than ever
  • CTTP will allow you to take charge and help people who are craving the right kind of transformation that stems from trust, substance, and authenticity
  • The age of the “solopreneur” is over. We want to grow by building authentic connections with other business owners.  And that’s exactly what CTTP gives you
Esther Graham

If you’re still on the fence, here’s how CTTP helped 

Esther Graham turn a 59% profit over a 5-Day retreat:

CTTP teaches you how to scuba dive, not snorkel

You won’t just learn what transformation is, you’ll go deep into the essence of the human psyche to see how you can create change for EVERY client that walks in through your doors. 


Well, here’s a look under the hood of what you’ll be learning in the program

The Science of Transformation

Here, you’ll dive into the very essence of transformative thinking by examining what transformation is and isn’t, the 5 Stages of Learning, how the brain learns, the laws of language, what Internal Representation Systems are and more

Coaching techniques and systems

Here, you’ll learn the 12 tenets of Neuro-Transformational Training, how to create strategies for motivation and decision making, how to secure coaching clients, how to put together coaching packages, and more

Content Creation

Here, you’ll learn how to create powerful content consistently through the concept of ‘content skeletons’. This content will in turn help you gain more clients and establish authority in your niche

The Science of Facilitation

Where there is transformation, there’s also facilitation. In this section, you’ll learn the most important concepts for effective facilitation, go through intensive facilitation exercises, and learn how to be efficient in your process

Group Transformational Facilitation

If you want to facilitate people in groups, this section is for you. We’ll take you through how to facilitate groups, build interactive learning, and more

Impact Speaker Training

If you ever have to get yourself on stage and in front of an audience, this training will be your Bible. You’ll learn the art and science of speaking, how to create a rapport with your audience, how to overcome your fear of public speaking, and more

The Inner Journey of Transformation

You’ll learn how to share your story with your clients, lead by example, reserve judgment, confront control, and exercise compassion

Transformational Program & Event Development

Events and programs are important aspects of transformation. And in this section, you’ll learn the key to a successful event, including how to market and design one. You’ll also have opportunities to put your skills to the test in live trainings

Speakers Mastermind Training

The Speakers Mastermind Training is where you can dive deep into all things speaking, including how to discover and frame your story for maximum impact, how to add texture to your speeches, how to show vs. tell and so much more!

Here, you’ll also get live feedback on your speeches from mentors and experts.

Certfied Trainer Program

Phew, that was a lot.

But, it’s only scratching the surface of what CTTP can do for you!

CTTP alumni have walked away from the program not only being able to facilitate insane transformation in the lives of their clients, but also in their personal lives.

Wait, what is Neuro- Transformational Coaching?

In our ‘Coaching Systems and Training’ chapter, we spend quite a bit of time learning the basics of the Neuro-Transformational coaching method.

So, before we move forward, we wanted to get into WHAT that actually meant with Sean, who founded it!

Sean Smith
  • Transformation is essentially a ‘change in formation’, like a caterpillar changing into a butterfly
  • In order for us to change into a butterfly, there needs to be a change in our neurology
  • While a lot of people might be intellectually prepared, they’re not neurologically confident. They don’t feel transformation and knowledge in their cells. Neuro-transformational coaching will help you do that!
  • This training will allow you to understand the human underneath human behavior

We took a look at WHAT you’ll learn in CTTP.

Now, let’s dive into the HOW.

Certified Teacher Training Program

The Certified Teacher Training Program includes:

  • Six online training sessions with Lisa or Sean that will give you the skills you need to provide transformational results for yourself and your clients
  • Three live online application labs where you’ll put everything you learned into practice by applying your techniques to real-life situations, and getting on-the-spot LIVE feedback
  • A comprehensive 5-Day Live Speaking Event, where you’ll learn how to deliver your story in a way that engages, inspires, and connects. You will receive direct and custom feedback from Lisa Nichols, Sean Smith and trained Speaker’s Support Team
  • A 5-Day Intensive Virtual Training where you’ll immerse yourself in proven coaching techniques and tools. You’ll learn the tools and understand exactly when to apply them with your clients (one on one and large group facilitation)
  • A 5-Day Live Virtual Experience focused on the inner work that will allow you to step into the level of centeredness, groundedness, and self-awareness you need to create massive transformation in your clients.
Live Virtual Experience with Lisa

Let’s talk about who CTTP is NOT for. 

CTTP is not for you if….

  • You care about quantity over quality. CTTP is designed to help you see regular and consistent transformation in your clients. Our process isn’t designed to help you power through clients at lightning speed. With us, you’ll go at a more sustainable speed and create meaningful change. 
  • You’ve already nailed the art of 1:1 transformation and are now achieving it on a massive scale. You’ve transformed thousands of lives, and you’ve left entire communities feeling healed, fulfilled, and aligned.
  • You’re in it to make a quick buck. While CTTP will help you increase your revenue, if your sole motivation is financial, this program is not the right one for you. CTTP is NOT a business course. It’s a coaching program designed to help you become the most powerful leader you can be. And that translates to success in all spheres of your life.

On the other hand, if your goals are to…

  • Create life-changing, transformative experiences for yourself, your clients, and your audience by dissecting and getting into the cellular level of transformation
  • Learn with the objective to SERVE instead of learning with the objective to cash a check. CTTP is NOT for people whose #1 priority is to make a quick buck
  • Gain the tools and knowledge that will create certainty, streamline your thoughts, and help you narrow down on what you want to do in your business (instead of just throwing spaghetti on the wall)

AND any 2 of the following are true…

  • You’re a business owner, leader, or teacher already working on transformation and want to take your skills to the next level
  • You’re intrinsically motivated by the desire to serve your community andcreate powerful transformations within it
  • You feel called to serve as a leader and are committed to dedicating the time and energy to perfecting it
  • You’re searching for a community of your own: Other leaders who understand your challenges, to share in your successes and failures in a way that only a true peer can

Complete your application to find out if becoming a Lisa Nichols Certified Transformational Trainer is the right move for you and your goals.

Complete a no-strings-attached application

Complete your application to find out if becoming a Lisa Nichols Certified Transformational Trainer is the right move for you and your goals.