Ignite Your Speaking and Writing Message from Lisa - Motivating The Masses | Lisa Nichols

If not now, when?

Be who you want to be right now! Say what you need to say right now! Get yourself the tools you need to live your dream life and shape it into your reality right now. I’ve got your back... and here’s why:


You missed out!


I have been a huge fan of Lisa Nichols for years. Ignite equips us to be better speakers, better communicators, and more efficient at any part of our job. Ignite is life-changing. You get the support, you have high quality coaches, and you have a community who’s going to really support you, advocate for you until you can do it. It’s worth the investment.”

Jamal V.

“Before the program, I had a great fear of speaking, social anxiety and I really suffered from confidence in myself. I feared using my voice and I also grew up in a setting where I was not allowed to use my voice or speak up for myself. So I had been living with that mindset for so long. It’s been life changing for me. I have found my voice. I would associate speaking publicly with something that’s totally not me at all. I would say never, ever, ever, never see me speak in front of more than three people confidently. So now I’m amazed at how comfortable I am to connect with people and speak and use my voice. Even in social settings, I’m more confident and I find myself automatically using the techniques from Ignite. I’m so grateful for this program. It was everything for me.”

Ruth H.

“The techniques in Ignite were simple and bite sized, so that in each level I wasn’t overwhelmed and I could master each thing. And before I knew it, I was starting to realize that I had a story that people wanted to hear and that I was getting better and better at telling it. I am going to help change the world. And I didn’t know that six months ago.”

Leslie S.


You missed out!

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