For Gladiator Black Women Only

This Exclusive Invitation is for You IF…

✓ You are a Supa Sista Soldier

✓ You’re the answer to everyone’s problems

✓ You run hard at work and run humbled at home

✓ You’re doing big things in the world

✓ You’re planning to do big things in the world

If you’re looking for a place to take off your cape…

To restore, recommit, redesign, recalibrate, and reconnect with other dynamic black women…

To experience spiritual growth, humility, expansion, and celebration…

Don’t Miss This
Exclusive Invitation To Join Me
or An Intimate Event I Created

Enter your information below to join me

Saturday, January 19th at
9am PST / 12pm EST

*Can’t make it to the call? Enter your info so we know you’re interested and we’ll reach out at a later date.


Enter your information below to join me

Saturday, January 19th at

9am PST / 12pm EST

 Need Help or More Information? email or
Call (760) 931-9400