Are YOU ready to go first?

5 Day LIVE Immersive Retreat Experience

with Lisa Nichols

September 16 - 21, 2025 Quintana Roo, Mexico

Join us to REset, REchoose, REdesign, REcalibrate, and REignite your own fire!

Get ready for your trans-forcation — transformation mixed with a luxury vacation!

Does any of this sound familiar?

  • You are a successful high-performer who is ready to take their cape off so you can lead with even more certainty and impact
  • You are feeling disconnected & alone, with more responsibility than ever on your shoulders
  • You’re craving a space where you can feel safe to relax and just receive, with nothing expected in return
  • You’ve tried online programs, but really need a high-touch, high-connection, in person experience in order to be held to your greatness
  • You know that your deepest healing and breakthroughs will occur when you’re embodied and relaxed, far away from the stress of everyday life
  • You are 110% motivated to move past your inner blocks, excuses, & limiting beliefs that are holding you back

If any of the above sounds like you, you’re exactly where you need to be, at exactly the right time.


So now the only question left is:

Are you ready to spend 5 days with me inside of your transformation?
We’d love to have you join us.

Claim Your Space below - and let the journey begin.

Transformation Happens Inside and Outside the Classroom

5 Day, In-Person Immersion and all-inclusive Resort where everything is taken care of

Breakthrough starts inside the classroom: Each day we kick off with the 4-Hour immersive learning With Lisa Nichols

  • • Deep Dive into Your Inner Programming and Learn a New Way of Moving Forward
  • • Uncover the Blocks that Have Been Silently Holding You Back from What You Truly Desire
  • • Realign With Yourself and Find Home Within You
  • • Integrate New Versions of You That Have Been Waiting to Surface

The best breakthroughs happen with room to breathe: each afternoon and evening choose from Nightly Onsite Activities with Live Music and Shows

Plus, These Exclusive Bonuses:

Breakthrough Accelerator Sessions before the event
($4,028 value)

Abundant Life Online Program
($997 value)

  • • 12 video training modules on topics like:
          - Relationships with self & spirit
          -  Difference between scarcity & abundance
          - Overcoming limiting beliefs
          - Trusting your judgment and intuition again
          - And much, much more

Access To Private Breakthrough Retreat Facebook Group (Value: Priceless!)

Claim Your Space below:

Payment Plan: $1,000 deposit + 11 payments of $1,245

OR, Save $2,200 and Pay In Full

It’s time for YOUR breakthrough

© 2023 Motivating The Masses